The STORUT project
The project "Innovation policy for grand societal challenges" (the STORUT project) is a five-year project funded by the Aust-Agder Development and Competence Fund (AAUKF) and the University of Agder. The project has two purposes. The first purpose is to further strengthen the group of innovation researchers at the Business School at the University of Agder, which is located at Campus Grimstad, towards becoming an accredited top research centre. The second purpose is to develop policies and policy instruments to meet grand societal challenges.
Although the STORUT project has a time frame of 5 years, the funding is still dependent on the annual results measured within the following conditions: (i) The project shall contribute to an increased number of innovation policy researchers at UiA in Grimstad; it shall (ii) strengthen ongoing research on how innovation policy for major societal challenges can be designed and organized; and (iii) finance co-creation processes to develop policies and instruments for the same purpose.
The project is led by Professor Arne Isaksen and I am associated with the project as a researcher (code 1109). I am currently developing five scientific articles related to this project.